Monday, September 23, 2013

Assignment #3 Headless Portrait

These are my new favorite shoes!

 My friends and I went to the Book Festival in DC over the weekend and I saw this lady in an interesting outfit.
 This was taken at the sculpture garden in DC!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Fun !

 This weekend my best friend and I went to Union Market for the first time EVER! It was so much fun! So much great food!
 My friend from home came to visit me this weekend and we went to Busboys and Poets!
These are jello cars that we had at my best friends 21'st birthday celebration at her house! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Assignment #2 The Unsceen

 This is a close up of my friends dog. She is a Jack Russell Terrier.
 I took this while walking through Eastern Market.
 I took this while on a walk in Capital Hill. If you look closely you can see the bee!
 On my walk I also saw a box of free things! As you can see the toys have gone unnoticed!
 Walking in Bethesda I spotted a pair of keys on a stop sign. Guess someone is locked out today! 
 This is a flower I bought at the Eastern Market. I have never really noticed how detailed a simple rose can be.
 This is a lock on the handle of a dorm room in the Mills
This is located outside St. Vincents. I think the leaves look like hearts! 
 This was taken outside of the architecture building at the Catholic University of America.  
This is trash outside the Pryzbyla Center at CUA.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Assignment #1 "What Defines Me"

 This is on the Potomac River. This past weekend I went kayaking with my best friend. I really enjoy water sports and outdoor activities. FUN FACT... I have my daling license! 

 I have had this letter since freshman year and it  was one of the first decorations in my room. It holds many memories for me.
 This is Disability Support Services at school. I have worked there for three years. I really love being apart of this department.
 This weekend when I went kayaking, I saw all these colorful kayaks and I felt inspired to take a picture. I love bight bold colors.
This was taken while on a hiking trail in DC. I love nature and getting out and absorbing all the vitamin D and fresh air!